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Plague + Riots + Death + Karma = 2020

What does one write about when the year becomes a world with rampant plague, but halfway into the outbreak, half the population decides to stage a massive coup?  Then suddenly we’re rocketed back to anarchism with citizens peacefully rioting (yes, that is an oxymoron), destroying their own hometowns all in the name of “progress” and “change” and “reform”?  And then once the world begins to reopen and people grow weary of the strife and turmoil, the contagion rears it’s ugly head again, unceremoniously culminating in the shuttering of the world’s doors again.   And whoever thought toilet paper would become a hot commodity, or that something made in China could last so long?!?! Off my soap box now… Anyway… We can all agree that 2020 can go to Hell, and life needs to return to normal. 

Plus, I’m pretty sure we are all tired of wearing masks all the time. Those little buggers reek havoc on the skin. This damned virus changed life as we know it.

The year 2020 also decided to allow karma to creep into my life.  I managed to go 36 years with nothing but super minor injuries (I can handle a pulled muscle here and there).  Then, I tore a ligament in my ankle that tormented my insanely active self for the first couple months of the year.  Now, I have a bulging or herniated disc in my back that has basically knocked me on my ass.  I workout just about every day, and now I can hardly put on my own pants?!  This is probably one of the scariest things to happen to me, as a VERY active adult that loathes sitting still for any prolonged period of time.  Took my step count from 20,000+ per day to half that, and resulted in physical therapy and extensive use of a stability ball!

We cancelled 4 trips in 2020 because Earth was closed.  My blog has looked so sad and pathetic as a result.  But most importantly, we did not get to experience the wide variety of cultures we had planned to. 

And this God forsaken year just could not slink quietly into the night on New Year’s Eve.  Nope, instead the ornery little bastard had to land one final blow… one of my closest friends became a widow on New Year’s Eve.  COVID complications lead to a massive heart attack that he could not come back from.  I woke up on New Year’s Day to this horrible news.  And here, I thought everything was over.  Dude, 2020… What the fuck?!?!  I can’t look back on this year in reflection and claim that  everything was okay, and the year can be salvaged.  All I can manage is saying FUCK 2020 and everything within it!    

And 2021, you ain’t looking so bright either!  I watched my coworkers brave the psychopaths storming the Capitol.  In the following days, I saw photos of them giving their respects as a fallen brother in blue was transported to his final resting place.  Another night, I sat breathless as my husband was in a fight with some asshat, just waiting to hear that he was alright over the radio.  I felt incredibly helpless.  Until I entered this profession, I never would have dreamed how long 15 seconds can be. 

Oh wait, I think I there are more additions to the 2021 bullshit… We went out to my widowed friend’s house to help her pack.  Unbeknownst to us, she had another friend there assisting.  Should be a positive, right?  The HIGHLY INTOXICATED friend admitted that she had possibly been exposed to the virus a short time ago, and was awaiting her test results from the day prior, and was supposed to be in quarantine.  THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NOT QUARANTINING RIGHT NOW?!?!  Oh, that’s right… you’re a selfish, dreadful human being that has no consideration for other people.  Other than yourself, of course.  But don’t worry… you drunkenly admitted you didn’t have negative test results yet, but you realized you fucked up, and then alleged that you were negative… Yeah sadly, I believe drunk you at times like this.  I hate people more and more each day. 

Is it December 48, 2020?

I suppose we have some moderately good news… we got our first round of the COVID vaccine?  If that little shitbag that failed to quarantine makes either Hubs or I feel unwell prior to the vaccine kicking in, there will be shots fired.  Just sayin’…

And we did get to go to St. Croix in July, and also hike in Colorado, Utah and Arizona in November… some travel is better than none!

Moral of the Story:  2020 sucks.  Off my soapbox, and back to adding photos and final tweaks to my Arches National Park posting. 

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